State legislatures make the laws of their states.
Every state legislature whether Republican or Democratic majority makes the laws for that state. Those laws should not be usurped by the courts of that state. The courts are not policy makers, they enforce laws that have been passed by the legislature. If a certain party doesn’t like a law, they need to get the legislature to change it not the courts. The courts are only there to enforce laws, not change what a legislature has already passed just because one party or the other doesn’t like it.
The article below tells how far this has gone and will give you more insight.
We elect the people we want for our legislatures and rely on them to make the best decisions for our states. The legislatures must conform to the U.S. Constitution when it comes to voting rights and such. But the reality is that the legislatures make the laws on how each state governs itself. Below is an article I feel will help you understand how the courts should for the most part stay out of what the legislatures do as referenced by the Supreme Court.
The article above gives details of how the courts intervened when they shouldn’t have and why the SC reversed those decisions. In closing if you like any of the articles feel free to share/tweet them. Subscription is free.
God Bless & Good Health